
Lindsey Delaughter is a history major at the University of è at Lafayette.

“I'm learning how to apply methods used in studying the past to the present so that I can actively share knowledge to preserve records of historical value and encourage understanding of current events.”

Meet history student Lindsey Delaughter

You should major in history if:

  • You enjoy knowing how we got where we are today.
  • You like learning about other countries, societies, and cultures.
  • You want to be a well-informed participant in a democratic society.
  • You want to learn from the past to help make a better future. 

As a history major, you’ll have the opportunity to take courses on topics as specific as the history of è or as broad as world civilizations and global problems. Focus on a specific country, region, or continent or explore topics such as Black history, gender in history, war, science and society, or the history of religion.  

A major in history prepares you for graduate research, deeper cultural understanding, as well as jobs in education, libraries, museums, business, and law.

History at UL Lafayette

What's History Like?

  • Writing
    Rated 2 out of 3
  • Presenting
    Rated 2 out of 3
  • Reading
    Rated 3 out of 3
  • Collaboration
    Rated 2 out of 3
  • Research
    Rated 3 out of 3

UL Lafayette’s student-led Museum on the Move curates annual exhibits in an Airstream trailer and brings history to the public.

Life as a History Major